Monday, July 7, 2008

Apple's Media Buying Team Is Good

Whoever buys the online media for Apple are definitely doing two things right.

First off, they are obviously sitting in the same room together and working on ideas in tandem. If you missed the Vista buy on CNET a number of months back, check the homepage of CNN today and watch the "PC Newswire" ad from Apple. It is pure brilliance.

The second thing they are doing well is utilizing the placements in the proper manner. I'm sure trafficking these buys can be cumbersome, but the creative actually matches the content in most examples and I find this to be an art unto itself. Media is sometimes a forgotten art because people don't remember that it's about more than just click through rates and conversion rates. The proper placement can bring exponentially positive performance to an ad. The proper marriage of placement and message can actually affect consumer behavior and move the needle on consumerism. It's not always about click through!

Anyways, check out the newest round of Apple ads and prepare for the eventual response that Crispin Porter are most likely working on even as we speak.

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