Sunday, December 7, 2008

We're Having a Baby!

Have I mentioned yet that I’m having a baby? Well, actually it’s my wife that’s having the baby but I had something to do with it. I think my proclaiming this on my blog I am now entering officially into the world of personal introspection online. One of the criticisms against me was always that I stayed at arms length from the people I worked with, but that’s history now. Now I am gonna have a child and I have never been more excited about anything in my whole life! I’ve heard that having a baby is the best thing you will ever do; the greatest day of your life. I imagine it will be because the build-up is pretty amazing!

I guess this blog post is really about how much I love my wife, Gretchen. She is an amazing woman and definitely the person I waited my whole life to meet. She makes me laugh and she makes me smile and she fills my day with the pieces that were missing until I met her. Its been 2 years now and every day is better than the last. I try to let her know from time to time how much she means to me but I am positive I will never completely convey the strength of my feelings for her.

Anyways – that’s my post for today! Not too many people read this blog, but if you do then I hope you smile and I hope you have someone in your life (a wife or a child or a best friend) that makes you feel the same.

Thanks for reading – and thanks to my baby and my baby-to-be! J