Monday, December 15, 2008

The Round-Up Volume 1, Issue 16: The Year End Issue of the Round Up

“Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning, but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us”
- Hal Borland, well known American author

First of all let me say thank you to each and every one of you that have been reading this little column every other week. It’s been a lot of fun pointing out the best and brightest of the new sites and services we uncover every month at Catalyst:SF and we appreciate your feedback and suggestions so please keep them coming!

As good old Hal says above, the end of the year is nothing but a continuance. It’s the opportunity to learn your lessons and make adjustments so that the coming year will benefit from that which you learned the year before. Try not to make the same mistakes twice and try to integrate the key knowledge from your previous successes, ensuring growth and maturity of the mind. This past year was a tumultuous ride, but 2009 has the scent of optimism to it and I for one am looking forward to it! As they say when a new day dawns, get ready for the light!

And with that, let’s put on our sunglasses and check out some of the best of the last two weeks!

Maybe 2009 will be the year you decide to get out and travel. The dollar is a little stronger and you’ve saved some money, so why not see the world? You might need to check out WAYN ( WAYN stands for “Where Are You Now” and is a social network and travelogue that allows you to keep track of your travels, get suggestions from other travelers and let everyone else know where you are! Lots of people do this through email and photo essays, but WAYN is an organized way to get your inner-Magellan on.

If you’re thinking of turning over a new leaf and doing the whole “new year’s resolution” thing, maybe you’ll decide this year you’ll read more? If so, check out BOOKCROSSING ( I have always believed that the soul of a book should be shared outward into the world and these guys make it happen! Sign up and when you’re done reading your books, pass them along for others to read. BookCrossing keeps track of these books and helps them on their international journey for fulfillment! Plus you can interact with other book readers. Pretty cool!

Maybe the New Year will include a pledge to help save the environment? If so, check out PROQUO ( Pro Quo will help you stop the delivery of junk mail to your house. In doing so you save some paper and save the environment, at least that’s their goal. I signed up and am looking forward to less junk in my mail box. I hope they can stop that unsolicited “Soldier of Fortune Magazine” catalogue I keep getting. I only had to replace my night vision goggles once. I’m not interested anymore!

If the New Year finds you getting more involved with the Internet, then check out YOURMINIS ( These guys help you find widgets and applications to put on your web pages. Widgets may be yesterday’s news, but the application space is still heating up!

Speaking of applications, check out APPALANCHE ( and find out what iPhone apps are of interest to you! The interface is simple and easy. Almost too simple! I played with it and lost about 10 minutes of my life that I’ll never get back! Alas, at least I uncovered some more apps to use!

Speaking of iPhone Apps, here are some of my favorites this past week. SEARCHME finally launched their visual search app and it is well worth the weight. SNAPTELL launched theirs and it’s a really great way to learn more about books, dvd’s and etc. by snapping a picture of the cover. And don’t overlook the branded KODAK GALLERY app that lets you access your Kodak Gallery pages on your iPhone!

That’s it for this week and this year! Make sure to make your New Year’s resolutions for the industry! And have a happy holiday season!


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