Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Digital Influentials Volume 2, Issue 1: iPad Or Not iPad, THAT Is Just A Question!

By now you’ve seen the videos and you’ve read the news (unless you live under an rock) about the iPad; Apple’s newest creation to revolutionize the world of digital media. Some people are burning with gadget envy while others are lukewarm and even a few are just plan old disappointed. I personally am fulfilled because I feel I knew what to expect. I only had visions of a larger iPod Touch with a focus on books and movies and that’s what they delivered.

The innovation of the iPad will truly come from the app developers as they find new and interesting ways to explore the device and in the coming weeks and months I’m sure we’ll find some of those innovative services and application to feature in the Digital Influentials column. More tools for checking in on your social network or tracking your money or just pure entertainment!

In the meantime, as we wait to shell out our cash for the iPad and the meager service that AT&T will likely provide, lets dive right into this week’s round up of the most interesting companies and services we’ve uncovered!

Fresh from the pages of a recent Time Magazine article, and from the mind of Phil Kaplan, comes BLIPPY ( Blippy is a social sharing site for people looking to share updates on the things they buy! You can broadcast to your network items from your credit card, Amazon, Woot, iTunes and more. It’s a “bling-bling”-cast model and new users are signing up every day, so register and see what your friends are buying!

While we’re on the topic of blogging, let’s check out a micro-blogging platform for enterprise called SOCIALCAST ( Consider it Facebook for your work place, allowing you to engage in a news feed and real time, collaborative updates from the people that surround you all day. It’s a great tool for increasing the flow of communication in the office(s).

If we shift our focus from blogging and back to shopping, you should check out MILO ( Milo is a real-time shopping search engine that finds you what you want close to where you are. Just type in what you’re looking for and your address and it checks the current local store inventory systems to see what your local stores have in stock. From gym bags to LED TV’s you can find where to buy locally!

And for those of you interested in web analytics, check out CLICK TALE ( From search to shopping, everyone wants to know how users interact with your site. Click Tale provides a service that allows you to track user interaction with your site, creating heat maps of mouse movements that can be used to refine your site design!

From the wonderful world of the App Store, check out DRAGON DICTATION as a means of creating text messages and emails with your voice rather than typing. For those of you concerned about your health, be sure to drink water and log it in with EIGHT GLASSES A DAY; a helpful way to remind yourself about your water intake. And if you just need a break, check out iPAUSE as a means of creating a meditation to interrupt and rest from the stress of your regular day.

Have a great week everyone, and send us your most interesting new companies by visiting the Facebook group for Digital Influentials! And don’t forget; if you live in San Francisco, to attend the first SF-BIG ( event of the year where I will be featuring 13 new and interesting start-ups live for everyone to see!


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